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Logotipo Fuminas 40 anos Idiomas: Versão PortuguêsVersão Espanhol

Boxes for Pass-Through Boxes

Boxes for Pass-Through Boxes

Fuminas water, sewage and electrical box covers can be square, round, double-sided, modular and more! Made of nodular iron, they support heavy loads and accompany siphon box to prevent the passage of insects and odors. Also found in the versions of the inspection cover, fire valves (painted red according to Fire Department requirements) and in the standards Eletropaulo, Comgás, Sabesp, PMSP, CPFL, Bandeirantes, Nova Dutra and Metro. >

TDFQ (Double Sided Cover)

TDFQ (Double Sided Cover)

Fuminas' double-sided square covers (TDFQ) are designed for water, sewer and electric water boxes.

TDFR (Round double-sided cover)

TDFR (Round double-sided cover)

Manufactured with FE 50007 nodular iron, Fuminas' round double face covers (TDFR) have resistance from 5,000 kg to 12,000 kg of punctual load.

TIQ (Square Inspection Cover)

TIQ (Square Inspection Cover)

Fuminas provides square inspection (TIQ) covers for storm water, sewage and electric 300 to 600 mm.

TQ 60 CL 125 (Square Shell Cover)

TQ 60 CL 125 (Square Shell Cover)

Fuminas square watertight covers (TQ 60 CL 125) are hermetically sealed.

Modular Cover

Modular Cover

Made with nodular iron FE 50007, Fuminas caps have modular dimensions.

PI -  40 x 40 – CT

Covers for Through Boxes PI - 40 x 40 - CT

Checkbox details below.

Fire Valves

Fire Valves

Fuminas fire valves are made with FE 50007 nodular cast iron (Classes A15 / B125).


Standard Boxes

Fuminas has several models of covers for standard pass-through boxes that meet the requirements of Eletropaulo, Comgás, Sabesp, PMSP, CPFL, Bandeirantes, Nova Dutra, Subway and Fire Department.

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